story of my roadtrip across the US, a solo voyage between San Fancisco and New York City,
and then on to spend a week in Monterrey, Mexico.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Day six: Devils Tower

The deer is a curious animal by nature, and this insatiable need for knowledge leads them to ask questions like, "Hey, I wonder what it feels like to enter in contact with a multi-ton mass of steel travelling at 75 miles per hour, I'll go try that, sounds like fun."
Judging by the amount of half decomposed carcasses in the middle of the road, deers, in other words, are fracking stupid.

Oh, by the way, Wyoming has plains

Ok the joke's getting old, I'll stop. But I don't know why, I really imagined Wyoming to have more mountains. To be honest, approaching the Devils Tower National Monument got more hills and stuff, but it's not quite the same.

The trees have started changing colours by the way


Hills, he said?
not hills

And there it was. At first just an odd shape barely visible in the horizon, then it took form and became that gorgeous column of volcanic goodness.

Behold the sword of El... er, the Devils Tower
Devil's Tower

Let's zoom out for perspective
Devil's Tower

I've been wanting to see that thing since I was like, ten. I think I read the legend at about the same time I saw Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and I needed no more, I was sold. I had to go there some day. It's magnificent.

Devil's Tower

There's a sign there that says "do not feed prairie dogs"
Devil's Tower

They must have all starved to death since, because I couldn't see any.

Details of the top, no alien in sight
Devil's Tower

The bottom of the tower is covered in trees
Devil's Tower

Let's play "Spot Spiderman"
Devil's Tower

Zoom in to the rescue
Devil's Tower

The tower is big
Devil's Tower+me

In the shade you hear absolutely nothing but birds, other animals, and above all, the wind blowing against the columns.
Devil's Tower

From the top the view is incredible
Devil's Tower

Just kidding. Only climbers, chipmunks and the occasional snake get to see the top.

Spot the birdies
Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

I would climb that, my problem has always been the "going down" part :p
Devil's Tower

Which is not a problem for some




The wooden ladders used in the 1893 expedition to the top are still there

End of day, eagles play
Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

I spent most of the afternoon there, filming and watching the climbers going up or down. I had been waiting for so long, I was afraid I would be disappointed, but no, the Tower is magnificent, I love it.

I'm kind of running out of superlatives here. It's a good thing I got nothing to see until Niagara Falls...

After a last glance at the tower in my rearview mirror, I headed to Rapid City, SD where I spent the night.


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