story of my roadtrip across the US, a solo voyage between San Fancisco and New York City,
and then on to spend a week in Monterrey, Mexico.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Funny how for a few weeks now, when I listened to music, I've been selecting tracks for my travel movie (since I bought a camcorder). I have the opening and end titles all set, and a few tracks in between, as if it was enough to guarantee that everything will go okay...

Half the time I triumphally arrive in NYC with a big grin on my face, laughing like a retarded tourist that I am at the wonders of the Big Apple. The other half is spent imagining various accidents cutting my trip short before I even get out of San Francisco.

Huge bummer is that the Monterey part of the TTLG meet is cancelled as the attendees I expected to see have other obligations. I have to admit, I kinda saw that coming with my arriving late in September, and also after the big ass SF meet that brought awesomeness to a whole new level. Bad timing is one of my regular curses. Ah well...
Looks like we already started negotiations with the G8 and the Illuminati for the next TTLG meet, in the land down under this time. That one I will attend for sure. None of that pesky "one-in-a-lifetime-roadtrip" thingy will go in the way. ;)
Fortunately all the other on-road events are on, even perhaps the NYC one, if I manage to get there on time.

My sleep pattern is completely fucked up, probably a combination of fatigue and stress. I am exhausted by work and I really, really need the vacation to start NOW, and I also don't think that all that planning for two month straight has done any good. It's a vicious circle, I can't sleep so I stay up late, usually until 1 or 2 am (like, oh, right now...), and then of course the day after I'm a complete zombie at work because I only slept a few hours. Have to say it affects the quality of my work as well.

(Note to self: it's not a good time to cut on caffeine. I drank my first cup of coffee in five days today and I literally came back from the dead.)

On the other hand, sometimes I think it's actually a good thing as I'm more or less on the SF timeline doing this. Well, not quite, but anyway, when I arrive there perhaps the jet lag won't be such a bitch. One can hope. I'll have three days to get used to it before hitting the road.

Hitting the road...

I. can't. wait.


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